Sunday, August 2, 2009

I Wouldn't Even Lick These Off Macca

Andrea and I saw these last night at the store:

Aren't these so disgusting? Who would want green apple-flavored topping on their ice cream? I think I understand the root beer a root beer float, right? I hate root beer, but I can see that. But Dr. Pepper, let alone cherry Dr. Pepper? Gross. I bet that tastes like Robitussin.

By the way, I took that picture with my new BlackBerry Tour. It has a pretty good camera, doesn't it? That's good news. If I can't sneak my digital camera next month into the stadium, I can at least take a few decent pictures with my phone.

I've returned to my old ways of not posting. Big surprise. I knew this was going to happen. It always does.

I've been so busy with summer school. Such a bad idea.


I'm seeing Paul next month, and he'll make it all better again.