Saturday, February 21, 2009

Hell Week: Part II

Another busy week for me.

Last week, I had a lab write-up and two exams. This week, I have three exams. Someone shoot me.

Maybe it won't be too bad. I mean, I just have a Bio lab exam, a Chemistry exam, and an Evolution exam. Right? Anyone?

Nevermind. It does sound bad.

The pain will be over soon though. My last exam, Evolution, in on Thursday, from 11 to 12:15. I'm going to take a well-deserved and multi-hour nap right afterwards. I can't wait. I'm drooling already just thinking about it.

I shouldn't even be writing in this right now. I have SO much studying to do. I took a break from making my study guide for my Bio lab exam. My God, do I hate my Bio lab. My exam for this is on Monday. It's so ridiculous. For this exam, we'll be given some species. They'll be microscopic, in a jar, in a glass box, or split right down the middle. Not only do we have to identify the body part and its structure, but we have to identify the species and its entire taxonomic classification.


We have to know crap like sponges, algae, crustaceans, and insects. There are a lot of insects we're responsible for knowing. I suppose I understand that we have to at least know what kind of beetle we're observing, but do we have to know its phylum, class, order, family, and species? I mean, really? I really doubt that any of my future patients are going to ask me if I know the Texas Hercules Beetle's taxonomy.

"Doctor, before you perform surgery on my heart and make me all better, I was wondering if you could help me with something?"
"Oh, sure. Hopefully I'll be able to help. What is it?"
" you happen to know the Texas Hercules Beetle's taxonomy?"
"You know what, Timothy? I actually do know it. I had this ridiculous Bio lab years ago, where I had to know so many taxonomic classifications. Let's see here...the Texas Hercules Beetle. Oh, yes. It's from the Eukaryota domain, animalia kingdom, antropoda phylum, hexapoda sub-phylum, to be more precise. Of course, it's from the insecta class, odonta order, the scarabaeidae family, dynastes genus, and finally, of the dynastes tityus species."

You see what I mean? I can never see that happening. Unless, of course, Timothy's heart was punctured by a Texas Hercules Beetle… What are the odds of that happening? Um, little to none. But even then, is he going to care about its taxonomy? No!

I just think it's stupid that I have to know this shit. Well, not know...but memorize this shit.

I'm just bitter. Don't mind me.

I'm a little worried about my Evolution exam. Dr. S asks such detailed questions. She'll refer to a diagram from the book and will ask what it illustrated. What? I don't remember all of the pictures, let alone when I’m asked a question such as, “Diagram 24.7 illustrated Hutton’s and Lyell’s influence on Darwin’s theory of evolution through which types of fossils?”

Again, what...the...fuck?

It’s just interesting to me that she expects us to be so organized and perspicacious to all details, even the insignificant ones. And here she is, one of the worst teachers I’ve ever had. Don’t get me wrong. I mean, the fact that she looks like a bum straight off The Drag instead of an internist, or the fact that she’s a trendy liberal who loves everything Barack, plays no factor whatsoever on my opinion of her as a teacher. Those two facts, however, do influence what I think of her as a person. But that’s a completely different matter and blog entry, one which I will not and cannot get into right now.

She’s all over the place when she teaches. My notes are chockfull of ellipses. I do love using ellipses in my own informal writing, but not when it comes to my notes and lectures. I’m not saying she’s stupid. That’s not what I’m saying. She’s smart as hell; she just doesn’t know how to teach and present the material effectively, that’s all. She understands the material, but she can’t make anyone else understand it. Oh well. I suppose we’ll just have to see how it goes on Thursday.

So, I just learned from Andrea that Dad’s on his way to Austin to buy strawberries. Apparently, Dad and the kids ate all of Mom’s strawberries that she was going to use for a cake that someone ordered (Mom also caters on the side). Grace and Andrea bought long-stem strawberries for her, which Grace brought back to Kerrville yesterday. Then today, Dad and the kids ate them all. Mom got mad, threw a fit, which of course always leads to Dad acting like a child and acting in unison. He’s on his way right now to ATX as I type, which is a two-hour drive from Kerrville, just to buy strawberries to replace the ones he and the kids ate. I know.

Thrice, what...the...fuck?

Anyone want to hang out and get trashed on Thursday night after Hell Week II is over? At the least, go out for dinner and a movie? Perhaps, even come over to watch Grey’s Anatomy and play some Guitar Hero or Rock Band?

Oh! Speaking of which, they’re coming out with a Beatles Rock Band game this year! Super excited for that! We’ll definitely be having a Beatles Rock Band Game Release Party. Expect invitations!

But yeah, if you’re interested about Thursday night, please do give me a call or send a text.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

25 Random Things

My friend, Cassie, tagged me on Facebook about this survey. I thought I'd do it quickly while taking a break from my Chemistry studying.

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you (or I think you'll come up with really entertaining things).

That's not necessarily true. She probably tagged me because she knew I'd probably do it.

1. I can't wait to be a surgeon.

2. Despite the fact that I do enjoy what I'm doing, I'd rather be an editor or writer for Rolling Stone. Or more generally, I'd love to be a Rock 'n' Roll writer/historian, specifically with a Beatles concentration. Ha. Isn't that so dorky? It's such a passion of mine though.

3. I'm a bit materialistic. I love expensive and tasteful things.

4. I've never been drunk.

5. I have this thing for not wearing UT apparel on campus...I usually won't even wear it in Austin. I feel that it's as eye rolling as wearing the band's shirt while you're at their show, or when one of the band members wears his own band's shirt...that's worse.

6. I have pretty bad road rage. I blame all the fucking idiot drivers of Austin. I fucking hate liberals.

7. After how many times I've fantasized about meeting Sir Paul, I still have no idea how I'd react. I go over-and-over it in my head. There are five basic scenarios that all possibilities relate to in one way or another.

Scenario 1 - The Prepubescent and Hormonal Teenage Girl
I'll giggle and bat my eyes while I constantly try to rub my boobs against him and fan myself at the same time.

Scenario 2
- Awestruck Asylum Candidate
I'd be catatonic, paralyzed, and drooling. I'll probably forget simple things, like introducing myself, properly putting a sentence together, breathing, and blinking my eyes. More than likely, I'll be sitting on the floor Indian-style, rocking back and forth like Helen Keller, just repeating his name over and over again.

Scenario 3
- Fucking Pussy Cake
I'm so shy and worried about making a bad impression that I come off as socially retarded. I nod to everything he says and barely manage to let out one-syllable answers. When it's time for me to go, I'm so embarrassed that I don't even ask for an autograph or picture with him.

Scenario 4
- Andrew Meyer
I'll do something completely bizarre that Paul's security guard has to wrestle me to the floor, like they did that "Don't taser me, bro" guy from Florida. And by bizarre, I mean something like...oh, I don't know...licking his face, humping his leg, pulling out a pair of sewing scissors from my purse and clipping a lock of his hair, super gluing my hand on "little Paul," etc.

Scenario 5 -
Ms. Piss Pants: I may just get so excited that I can't control myself and just piss myself, completely blowing my first, and more than likely only, time of meeting him. And of course, if this happens, he won't want to talk to me anymore, and that'd be the end of it. It wouldn't even be enough time for me to introduce myself and to get confirmation that he knows that I exist. Well, he'll know that I exist once I pee in my pants. I don't want Paul to remember me as the girl who pissed herself at the sight of him. My God, that'd be so embarrassing.

8. I don't think I can date another divorced father. Once was enough. I mean, I know I never met his girls, but still...I don't want to be forced onto those kind of responsibilities if/when the time came. Actually, let's just make it a divorced man. He'd have way too many expectations.

9. I live my life to get my mother's approval. Her opinion about anything means so much to me, even though it probably shouldn't.

10. I really don't have my heart set on having a family. Getting married and having children continues not to be a priority to me.

11. The first thing I'm buying with my first paycheck as a doctor is a light blue Classic Mustang.

12. I absolutely loathe attending Mass in Kerrville. I fucking hate Father Mike. He makes me hate God. It's that bad.

13. I have a guilty pleasure for knowing about my high school class' latest news and gossip, which mostly consists of failures. It makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside.

14. My favorite fast food place is Chick-Fil-A.

15. I absolutely love college football. I'm a big Miami Hurricanes fan. I pretend to be a UT fan. I know I should be supportive since it is my freaking alma mater. However, if someone bashes UT, I get offended and support my school. I'm such a poser, I know.

16. My mother almost named me Chelby Gibson. Ew.

17. The worst class I've ever taken was Macroeconomics with Norman. I still made an A in the class, but still. I fucking hated that class.

18. I have an older half-sister named Shanee. Dad knocked up their maid or something, years before he moved to the States and eventually met my mom. I have absolutely no desire whatsoever to meet her.

19. Speaking of which, I fucking hate Dad's side of the family. I actually fucking hate Mom's side of the family also...well, with a diminutive amount of exceptions, of course.

20. I'm actually more than decent on Guitar Hero and Rock Band...especially the singing. I bang out around 95% on Expert.

21. If I ever do change my mind and get married, my wedding colours will be Tiffany Blue and gold.

22. I hate any kind of berry, especially strawberries. Ugh, I hate its taste and especially its structure. It feels like eating an old grandmother's face, covered with adult acne.

23. I don't like driving Andrea's new truck. There's a big blind spot on the driver's side, and it's so difficult to park.

24. Republican men make me want to have sex with them.

25. So do musicians...especially pianists.

That was boring.

Back to studying.

Just One of Many

We got out of Biology early today. Thank God for that too. I was falling asleep. And it doesn't help much when I sit in the very front, right in front of his desk. I couldn't help it though. Biology is every Tuesday and Thursday at freaking 8 A.M., so that means we have to get up at 6 because of the traffic, because I drop Andrea off at UT before heading over to St. Ed's (she also has an 8 A.M. "class" every Tuesday and Thursday: basketball), and because Andrea takes forever and a day to get ready to go anywhere. Whatever. You'd think after how many years of living with her, I'd be used to it. I'm not. It still pisses me off every time we're late.

That's one of my pet peeves...being late to things, especially movies. I don't want to go if we're late, even if that means we'd just be missing the previews. Most of the time, I won't even bother going to that showing if I missed them. I absolutely hate it.


We went home this weekend for Mom's birthday. I don't even know why we go home sometimes. We don't even see her because she works all of the time. Mom has two-full time jobs; and even then, she still insists on working over-time. She works on the weekdays at the elementary school from 8 A.M. to 2 P.M. Then at night, she works at the state hospital from 11 P.M. to 7 A.M. I know that there's a nine hour gap between the two jobs, but she doesn't sleep during that time. She's always doing something, whether she's shopping to relieve her compulsive hoarding, running errands, or watching hours of last night's DVRed episodes of The Bachelor, American Idol, or Dancing with the Stars. On her day's off from the hospital, or on weekend mornings after her night shift, she goes in to work over-time. And, she NEVER calls in. I just don't get it. Does she think working so many hours is going to get her a fucking medal? Maybe she thinks working so much will land her new friends and put her higher on the social and professional ladder? Whatever the answer is, it just doesn't seem worth it. That's just me though. She's been a workaholic for as long as I can remember. Even when Andrea and I were growing up, we seldom saw her. That's not exactly true. We saw her a lot because she ran the after school day care program at the elementary school, so we'd see her when we'd go over there to help out. But still. Outside of that though, we never saw her...just like this weekend.

We got into town on Friday afternoon and left Sunday afternoon. We saw Mom, literally, for three hours. One hour on Saturday afternoon for lunch, and then for another two hours for lunch on Sunday, which was her birthday...which was also a disaster. Mom's a huge sucker for any kind of drama. Now, add that to my temper, and you get a huge scene, the kind that influences a lot of movies and books.

When she got off of work at 3 P.M. from her OT shift from the hospital, we told her to pick a restaurant since it was her birthday. I know that a lot of us are so indecisive when it comes to choosing a place to eat. We're just like that, but about 17 times worse. We NEVER know where to eat. And it's not like there's such a selection in Kerrville either. The nicest place in town is Chili's or Mamacita's. And by nicest, I'm talking about the ambiance, not the food. Mamacita's is really nice inside, but the food? Disgustingly terrible Tex-Mex, and pretty pricey. We ate at Chili's for lunch yesterday because Andrea worked, and because of her 50% discount...which, by the way, I miss terribly. Eating cheap or for free is the only thing I miss about working at Chili's. Well, and the bragging rights that I serve people Southwestern Eggrolls and Chocolate Molten Cake (which, by the way, always pissed me off when people would ask for the "chocolate volcano lava cake"). Not really though. But I did enjoy the fact that I could wear a black t-shirt and jeans to work. It was like dressing down and getting paid for it. Paid poorly too, mind you. Okay, so maybe I don't miss that part.

But back to what I was saying...

So, Mom had no idea where she wanted to eat. She kept saying, "Wherever you want to. I don't care." We had to repeatedly explain to her that she was the one who had to choose since it was, in fact, her freaking birthday. We were just parked in the parking lot in a quasi-shopping center, where there nearest surrounding restaurants were a CiCi's Pizza, a Quizno's, a McDonald's, and a Culver's. I know...who takes their mom on her birthday to a fast food joint? Us. She doesn't like Mamacita's, and we had Chili's yesterday, so there was nothing else. Besides, we had to go somewhere fast because Andrea and I had to drive back home to Austin.

We were in the parking lot for a good thirty minutes or so, just arguing back and forth. It finally got to the point where I told her that it was useless that we came down at all for the weekend, and that I didn't have time for this crap because I had so much work to do for school. And it was true. I had homework for Bio lab, and I had more studying to do for my Chemistry exam. When I say something like that, even if it is true, it always makes my mom cry. I don't know why though...I mean, I'm not lying to her. It's probably in how I say it. I'm too blunt about it, and she overacts to my tone. Whatever.

So, Mom started crying at what I said. Andrea got mad and yelled at me, "Why did you fucking say that? You know she cries when you say shit like that!" So obviously, she was only adding more fuel to the fire. It's always like this. I know it doesn't sound too bad or dramatic when I write it out, but if you could only see all of this happening. We were all yelling at each other in the parking lot, just like a Trailer Trash family. Mom was in the car crying her fucking brains out, Dad was in the driver's seat just sitting there in silence (he doesn't care about anyone but himself), Shobe and Shoti were just sitting in my car's backseat in silence while watching us, Andrea was standing in between their and my car, and I was in my car in the driver's seat boiling and thinking that I couldn't fucking wait to go to med school in Portland.
I seriously think she's chemically imbalanced. That's the first thing I'm doing when I'm a doctor: prescribing medication to improve my mother's mental health. Then I'm moving for good. When I fight with my mom, it just makes it so much easier for me to find the determination to move out-of-state, away from her.

When she stopped crying, she said she wanted to eat at Culver's. And we did. I didn't even eat because I was still so frustrated and fucking angry with her. The kids got her roses, and Grace, Andrea, and I got her a Coach purse. Andrea picked it out. I didn't really like it, but whatever. I'm not even sure if Mom liked it. Who cares anyway?

Then after that, we left to go back home. I know that this happened on Sunday, but I'm still a little irritated. I tend to stay mad for a while...especially when it comes to her.

In other news, I have a Chemistry test tomorrow morning at 9. I'm not too worried about it, but I do have more studying to do. There's a review tonight at 8:30. It's late, but I'll still go to listen. I just finished my Evolution class, which I absolutely fucking hate, so I'm free till the review. So in the meantime, I'll be studying...I should be studying right now, instead of writing on this. It won't be too bad. I say that now, until I'm sitting in front of my exam, completely blank, regretting writing this confident paragraph. We'll see though.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Copying Andrea

I believe this is my third blog in the past ten years. I had a Xanga and a LiveJournal before. Simply click on the links to read up on my past exciting life. But really though, Blogger may be the winner. It looks relatively easy to manage, and that's just wonderful since I'm all about simplicity. My younger sister, Andrea, recently started to write, so I thought I'd follow suit...despite the fact that I've been blogging for ten years now. Whatever.

So...what could I possibly write about for my first entry? I don't know. Most blogs aren't even read, yet we all take some form of pride in our own. That doesn't make much sense. I think maybe it's because it gives us some kind of existence in a different venue. We want to exist both in the real world and the cyber world. Or, is it the other way around? We want to exist in the cyber world because we don't exist in the real world? I think that's definitely true for some those who blog about their Star Wars scene and quotation of the day.

Where do I fall into? I'm going to take the easy way out and give the usual excuse: I'm here so I can connect to all of my friends at one time. Communication via blog is so much faster and cooler. Yeah right. I actually enjoy writing. Well, I shouldn't say enjoy. I enjoy the fact that writing is a release for me...a release from the real world. There we go. That's where I fall in. I have a blog because it's an escape from the real world. Wait. But everything I write about actually happened in the real world. So, I am bringing the real world into a "fake" world. That doesn't make any sense.

I'm actually just wasting time on campus before I have to go pick up Andrea. I had Biology this morning at 8, then I was supposed to have another Biology class at 11, but Dr. Sandbach canceled because of the weather (but it wasn't even bad today). Speaking of which, I'm not sure how many of you know that I returned to school this semester. Yes, I already graduated in May from UT. Yes, I have a degree in something useless. Yes, I couldn't find a job as a teacher. Yes, I know that doesn't make sense since there's supposedly a huge shortage of teachers in the country. Yes, I changed my mind about law school. Yes, I should've listened to my mother when she said I should stick with medicine.
And yes, I know I keep switching from medicine to law and then back and need to make up my mind at one point. And I have. I want to go back to medical school. And I will. I have my heart set on becoming a cardiovascular surgeon.

I'm now attending St. Edward's. UT, like any other supposed prestigious university, actually won't let you take more than three sciences a semester. I only need science credits for medical school since I've everything else, so I wanted to attend some place where I could solely take them in one bulk.
Plus, I didn't really enjoy my time at UT. St. Edward's was the answer, but with a nice price...slightly more than double the price, actually. What's worse is that I'm now paying for my schooling. Well, I shouldn't say "paying," since I had to get a loan out, so "they" are actually paying for it at the time being. My scholarship was discontinued after I graduated from UT, so I have to cough up the money some other way. In the long run though, I'd be paying the same amount either way. I can spend $4 grand a semester at UT, taking only three science courses at a time, or I can spend/owe $9 a semester at St. Edward's taking as many courses and labs that I want.

But other than the money issue, I do love it here. I shouldn't say love. That's always too strong of a word, isn't it? Unless, of course, I'm referring to Paul McCartney...then love wouldn't suffice what I feel for him. I like it here and am enjoying it so far. My classes are small. Chemistry's my largest class with about 30 kids. Yeah. My smallest class is one of my Biology ones, with only 12. Yeah. No way in Hell would you be attending such a small science class at UT.
Science courses were auditorium/movie-theater-huge. We're talking 200-300 kids. I really don't understand how anyone could learn like that. As an English and Government major, I was spoiled with relatively small classes at UT. My English classes had about 20-25 kids, if that. My Government courses had about 50 kids. So, St. Edward's small classes are really comforting.

I also find the fact that there are no graduate students teaching very comforting. The professors do everything here. At big universities, grad students teach a lot of the freshman general, lower-division courses. Most of the time, they're idiots who have no idea what's going on. Especially with labs. Thankfully, that's not the case here. Professors actually conduct the labs and can answer your question since they know what's going on. It's like a whole different world. Kind of like an alternative world where you can escape to from the real world.

Okay. Maybe not that great.

I will say though, that I've noticed that a lot of weirdos go here. I mean, don't get me wrong. UT has quite its share of weirdos, but not all of them are weird. It's very cliquey here. I'm sure it's because everyone thinks they're rich and intelligent for attending a private university...I don't know. I've also noticed that a lot of the kids here look like they just came out of the 80s. They look more like 80s-wanna-be rejects or something. Then there are tons of those artsy-fartsy kids who go out of their way to wear their "art" on them to express their individuality. They wear those obnoxious plastic glasses that resemble some ugly modern art sculpture, a plaid beret that they knitted the night before while munching on organic asparagus from Central Market, and worn-out Chucks. God, I fucking hate those people.

But enough about why I don't enjoy a lot of people. Well, I want to share one more thing about why I do, and then I'm going to end this to do some Chemistry homework.

I had my first exam on Tuesday. One of my Biology classes. The exam was divided into the five chapters we covered and contained an answer sheet where you were to transfer your answers onto it, one column per chapter. When the exam was over, the girl who sits to the left of me informed the professor that she didn't finish transferring her chapter five answers onto the sheet. I glanced at it; and sure enough, the entire column was completely blank.

Professor, "Oh, I'll give you two minutes to transfer your answers onto the answer sheet."
She looked at him for a second and confessed, "Well, uh...that's the thing. I don't know any of the answers because I didn't actually read chapter five. I read some of the other chapters, but I didn't have time for the last one."
"Chapter five was a big chapter and the most important." And it was the most salient. Macromolecules and shit.
"I know, but I just didn't have time. What should I do?"
"Well, you should've read and studied. I suppose you can guess."
"Uh, I'll just turn it in blank since I really have no clue."

Freaking idiot.

She got a 40 something. I looked at her score when we got our exams back this morning. I'm so nosy. I, on the other hand, got the highest grade in the class. I know it wasn't much competition considering there are only 12 kids and because of some of them seem to be idiots, but still.

But yeah, I need to do some Chemistry. For those of you who have blogs on here, do please add me to your buddy list/subscriptions or whatever they call it on here, and I will do the same.