Tuesday, February 3, 2009

25 Random Things

My friend, Cassie, tagged me on Facebook about this survey. I thought I'd do it quickly while taking a break from my Chemistry studying.

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you (or I think you'll come up with really entertaining things).

That's not necessarily true. She probably tagged me because she knew I'd probably do it.

1. I can't wait to be a surgeon.

2. Despite the fact that I do enjoy what I'm doing, I'd rather be an editor or writer for Rolling Stone. Or more generally, I'd love to be a Rock 'n' Roll writer/historian, specifically with a Beatles concentration. Ha. Isn't that so dorky? It's such a passion of mine though.

3. I'm a bit materialistic. I love expensive and tasteful things.

4. I've never been drunk.

5. I have this thing for not wearing UT apparel on campus...I usually won't even wear it in Austin. I feel that it's as eye rolling as wearing the band's shirt while you're at their show, or when one of the band members wears his own band's shirt...that's worse.

6. I have pretty bad road rage. I blame all the fucking idiot drivers of Austin. I fucking hate liberals.

7. After how many times I've fantasized about meeting Sir Paul, I still have no idea how I'd react. I go over-and-over it in my head. There are five basic scenarios that all possibilities relate to in one way or another.

Scenario 1 - The Prepubescent and Hormonal Teenage Girl
I'll giggle and bat my eyes while I constantly try to rub my boobs against him and fan myself at the same time.

Scenario 2
- Awestruck Asylum Candidate
I'd be catatonic, paralyzed, and drooling. I'll probably forget simple things, like introducing myself, properly putting a sentence together, breathing, and blinking my eyes. More than likely, I'll be sitting on the floor Indian-style, rocking back and forth like Helen Keller, just repeating his name over and over again.

Scenario 3
- Fucking Pussy Cake
I'm so shy and worried about making a bad impression that I come off as socially retarded. I nod to everything he says and barely manage to let out one-syllable answers. When it's time for me to go, I'm so embarrassed that I don't even ask for an autograph or picture with him.

Scenario 4
- Andrew Meyer
I'll do something completely bizarre that Paul's security guard has to wrestle me to the floor, like they did that "Don't taser me, bro" guy from Florida. And by bizarre, I mean something like...oh, I don't know...licking his face, humping his leg, pulling out a pair of sewing scissors from my purse and clipping a lock of his hair, super gluing my hand on "little Paul," etc.

Scenario 5 -
Ms. Piss Pants: I may just get so excited that I can't control myself and just piss myself, completely blowing my first, and more than likely only, time of meeting him. And of course, if this happens, he won't want to talk to me anymore, and that'd be the end of it. It wouldn't even be enough time for me to introduce myself and to get confirmation that he knows that I exist. Well, he'll know that I exist once I pee in my pants. I don't want Paul to remember me as the girl who pissed herself at the sight of him. My God, that'd be so embarrassing.

8. I don't think I can date another divorced father. Once was enough. I mean, I know I never met his girls, but still...I don't want to be forced onto those kind of responsibilities if/when the time came. Actually, let's just make it a divorced man. He'd have way too many expectations.

9. I live my life to get my mother's approval. Her opinion about anything means so much to me, even though it probably shouldn't.

10. I really don't have my heart set on having a family. Getting married and having children continues not to be a priority to me.

11. The first thing I'm buying with my first paycheck as a doctor is a light blue Classic Mustang.

12. I absolutely loathe attending Mass in Kerrville. I fucking hate Father Mike. He makes me hate God. It's that bad.

13. I have a guilty pleasure for knowing about my high school class' latest news and gossip, which mostly consists of failures. It makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside.

14. My favorite fast food place is Chick-Fil-A.

15. I absolutely love college football. I'm a big Miami Hurricanes fan. I pretend to be a UT fan. I know I should be supportive since it is my freaking alma mater. However, if someone bashes UT, I get offended and support my school. I'm such a poser, I know.

16. My mother almost named me Chelby Gibson. Ew.

17. The worst class I've ever taken was Macroeconomics with Norman. I still made an A in the class, but still. I fucking hated that class.

18. I have an older half-sister named Shanee. Dad knocked up their maid or something, years before he moved to the States and eventually met my mom. I have absolutely no desire whatsoever to meet her.

19. Speaking of which, I fucking hate Dad's side of the family. I actually fucking hate Mom's side of the family also...well, with a diminutive amount of exceptions, of course.

20. I'm actually more than decent on Guitar Hero and Rock Band...especially the singing. I bang out around 95% on Expert.

21. If I ever do change my mind and get married, my wedding colours will be Tiffany Blue and gold.

22. I hate any kind of berry, especially strawberries. Ugh, I hate its taste and especially its structure. It feels like eating an old grandmother's face, covered with adult acne.

23. I don't like driving Andrea's new truck. There's a big blind spot on the driver's side, and it's so difficult to park.

24. Republican men make me want to have sex with them.

25. So do musicians...especially pianists.

That was boring.

Back to studying.

1 comment:

  1. Tiffany blue + Gold = diarrhea: https://webspace.utexas.edu/aje226/tiffgold.jpg
